free private podcast series!

Introducing a new private podcast series that's just for you! I want to teach you how to:

Heal your burnout
with michelle grosser

nervous system nerd, master life coach, ENNEAGRAM 3, book hoarder, MATCHA LATTE LOVER, growth seeker, accountability partner, and your biggest cheerleader

You know the saying "you can't pour from an empty cup"?  Years ago, I was running a busy law firm, raising toddlers, living that hustle-like-a-mother life, and trying to pour from a cup that was bone dry. Sound familiar?

I was the Queen of Busy - and looking back, I see that I ignored so many signs my body was sending me to slow down. I had no idea how burned out I was, so I kept doing what I did best - ignoring all the symptoms and pushing through.  But that's not how the nervous system heals.

I started having gut issues and trouble sleeping. I'd wake up feeling anxious and tired all at the same time.  My patience was long gone and I wasn't proud of the irritable, edgy person I saw myself becoming. I noticed that even simple things felt overwhelming - I kept forgetting things & often felt like I was living in a fog.

I finally had enough.  I was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.  I saw my doctor, ran lab tests, hired a functional medicine practitioner, tried medication & supplements, hired a life coach - I did it all! And what I noticed was that at the root of all of these solutions was an attempt to regulate my nervous system.  I realized that if I wanted to heal at the deepest level, I had to address my burnout at the deepest level - my nervous system.

I dove deep into the nervous system, learning everything I could, and became certified as a nervous system fitness expert and master life coach.  I learned how to heal my burnout, recover from all my symptoms, and restore my energy.  If I did it, so can you!  I've since taught hundreds of women my step-by-step framework to recover from burnout, and I want to teach it to you too!

You know the saying "you can't pour from an empty cup"? Years ago, I was running a busy law firm, raising toddlers, living that hustle-like-a-mother life, and trying to pour from a cup that was bone dry. Sound familiar?

I was the Queen of Busy - and looking back, I see that I ignored so many signs my body was sending me to slow down. I had no idea how burned out I was, so I kept doing what I did best - ignoring all the symptoms and pushing through. But that's not how the nervous system heals.

I finally had enough. I was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. I saw my doctor, ran lab tests, hired a functional medicine practitioner, tried medication & supplements, hired a life coach - I did it all!

And what I noticed was that at the root of all of these solutions was an attempt to regulate my nervous system. I realized that if I wanted to heal at the deepest level, I had to address my burnout at the deepest level - my nervous system.

I dove deep into the nervous system, learning everything I could, and became certified as a nervous system fitness expert and master life coach. I learned how to heal my burnout, recover from all my symptoms, and restore my energy.

 If I did it, so can you! I've since taught hundreds of women my step-by-step framework to recover from burnout, and I want to teach it to you too!

this private PODCAST series IS FOR YOU IF:

You feel wired and tired all at the same time. 

you're in the right place.

You're exhausted no matter how much sleep you get.

Your muscles & joints feel tense and achy.

You're often stressed out and everything feels urgent - your mind's always racing.

You feel irritable, snappy, and impatient.

You're consistently waking up around 3am and/or struggling with insomnia.

You don't want to rely on caffeine or other band-aid fixes to help you function.

Your memory is suffering -  you're forgetting simple things and dealing with brain fog. 

You're noticing physical symptoms like hair loss, weight fluctuations, headaches, PMS, fertility issues, autoimmune conditions, etc.

You've lost interest in things that you used to be passionate about.

If you answered "yes" to
any of the above...

If you answered "yes" to any of the above...

Welcome to the "Heal Your Burnout" private podcast series

A 5-episode private podcast series that teaches you how to figure out what stage of burnout you're experiencing, what's causing your burnout, and how to heal at the deepest level possible (*hint* - your nervous system). 
Let me teach you how to restore your energy.

I've given you short, practical audio clips so you can take action right away. 

Episode #1: 

Episode #2: 

Episode #3: 

Episode #4: 

Episode #5: 

The 3 Levels of Burnout - What Stage Are You At?

How Burnout Impacts Your Mind & Body

My 6-Step Framework for Healing Burnout (Steps 1-3)

My 6-Step Framework for Healing Burnout (Steps 4-6)

From Surviving to Thriving: Your Complete Guide to Beating Burnout

What the listeners are saying

"Motherhood can be hard when it's done alone.  I'm so thankful for Michelle and all the wisdom she shares in this podcast.  She's helping to make me a better wife and mom."

- Angel

"Thank you so much for this amazing resource. You help me feel understood and leave me with game-changing skills I can use immediately."

- Bre

What the listeners are saying

"I love Michelle's approach to reframing burnout as a symptom of nervous system dysregulation.  Listening to this podcast is like eating a salad or working out... it's self-care"

- Colleen

What the listeners are saying

"So many great mindset shifts and practical tools to make motherhood lighter and without burnout."

- Elizabeth

What the listeners are saying

"I'm finding the information, tools and tips that Michelle gives to be so useful.  Her approach is realistic and comes from a place of compassion and first-hand experience rather than feeling like you're being lectured. She keeps it real and I love that!"

- Andrea

What the listeners are saying