
4 Must-Have Boundaries Every Mom Needs in Her Life

I'm Michelle!

Master Life Coach, Wife & Mom, Certified Nervous System Fitness Expert, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, Podcaster, Attorney, and Deep Believer in Curiosity and Self-Compassion

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Let’s get real about boundaries. They’re not about setting up strict rules for others to follow—they’re about taking care of you. You can’t control others, but you can control how much access they have to your energy and time.

Why Boundaries Are Essential for Self-Care

Boundaries aren’t about putting up walls; they’re about creating safeguards for your energy and well-being. They help you prioritize your health, protect your relationships, and encourage direct communication, which in turn helps you avoid resentment. Your time, energy, and emotional capacity are limited, and setting limits is key to managing these precious resources.

Defining and Communicating Your Boundaries

Before you can set a boundary, you need to know your limits. What are you willing to tolerate? What aligns with your values and goals? Embrace the power of saying “no” to things that don’t serve you, and communicate your boundaries openly and honestly. And once you set them, stay in integrity by sticking to them.

Remember, boundaries aren’t just about managing relationships with others—they’re also about how you manage your own time, energy, and well-being. You might think of it as discipline or habits, but at the end of the day, it’s all about boundaries. Here’s how you can start setting them:

Time Boundaries

How you spend your time is crucial. Who you spend it with, what you prioritize, and how much your time is worth are all factors to consider. Here are some examples:

  • “I have prior commitments, so I won’t be able to attend.”
  • “I can come, but I can only stay for an hour.”
  • “I could schedule it for tomorrow—would that work?”

Emotional Boundaries

These are the boundaries around the energy and emotions you allow into your space. If someone drains you—like a difficult family member or an emotionally taxing coworker—it’s okay to set boundaries around that.

  • “I’m sorry you’re having a hard time, but I’m not in a place to listen right now.”
  • “I appreciate your concern, but I prefer to handle this on my own.”
  • “I can’t talk about that right now.”

Family Boundaries

Setting boundaries with both immediate and extended family can be tricky, but it’s essential for promoting healthy interactions and protecting your well-being.

  • With kids: “There have been times where I’ll sit by you, but I need a little space today.”
  • With your husband: “We need to communicate without yelling or name-calling.”
  • With extended family: “It’s upsetting when you comment on my appearance when I visit.”

Work Boundaries

Whether you work outside the home or not, every mom is working in some capacity, and that demands boundaries around your time, energy, and attention.

  • “I’m overextended, so I won’t be able to take that on at the moment.”
  • “I would be happy to help, but I need a few days to prepare.”
  • “This is out of my area of expertise, but I can find out for you.”

Take Inventory: Where Do You Need Boundaries?

As we gear up for this Summer Self-Care Challenge, take a moment to assess your life. Where might you need a boundary or two? Are there boundaries you’ve let slide, or maybe new ones you know would have a big impact?

Get ready to join us in August as we explore this powerful aspect of self-care together. Trust me, you’re going to love how setting boundaries can transform your life. Stay tuned!

Have a question you’d love Michelle to answer on the podcast? “Ask Michelle a Question.” Click this link, record your message, hit send, and I’ll answer it in a future episode!

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cool as a cucumber, ENNEAGRAM 3, book hoarder, MATCHA LATTE LOVER, growth seeker, accountability partner, and your biggest cheerleader

I'm Michelle.
Your Master Coach.

You my friend, are called to a life of fullness and abundance - no matter how wild this motherhood journey is. It's time to trade the exhaustion and overwhelm for peace and joy.  No more hot-mess express.  I've got you. 

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Let's redefine what's possible in motherhood.


Cheers to starting your day right!  Make yourself comfortable and get ready to dig in, learn, and most importantly, take action!

You got it, Mama!

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© Michelle Grosser  2023. All rights reserved.


