What if you could start feeling better today and all you needed was an understanding of your nervous system and simple exercises to unlock the stress cycle?

It's time to finally break through your burnout and find healing at the source:
the nervous system.

RESTORE is a 7-week small-group coaching program designed to lead you through burnout  recovery step-by-step.


According to Today.com, 83% of women are experiencing burnout.

Feeling exhausted & fatigued, yet also struggling to rest

Trouble concentrating and feeling like you're living in a state of brain fog

Always staying busy and having a hard time slowing down

Racing thoughts, persistent worries, & feeling anxious, overwhelmed, & stressed

Insomnia, trouble falling asleep, trouble staying asleep, or sleeping too much

People-pleasing, difficulty setting boundaries, or expressing needs

Emotional volatility, anger, irritability, and persistently feeling on edge

Gut issues, IBS, PMS, unresolved aches & pains, & autoimmune conditions

Low confidence & self-worth that holds you back and keeps you playing small

Difficulty expressing anger in a healthy way - either expressed in outbursts or suppressed

Can you relate?







after RESTORE,
you're going to:

How does this sound?

Transform your habits, systems, & routines to optimize your burnout recovery

Recognize your current coping strategies for stress and go from surviving to thriving

Become a boundary boss to protect your time, energy, & core values

Know how to unlock the stress cycle to get your body out of a fight-or-flight response and return to regulation

Master your mindset and increase your confidence as you find freedom from anxiety, overwhelm, & burnout


Step One


  • The fundamentals of nervous system regulation (and why it's so effective in healing burnout)
  • How to unlock and complete the stress cycle.
  • Mind-body approaches to get your body out of a fight-or-flight response

I'll teach you my proven 6-step framework to recover from burnout:

Step Two


  • Assess & optimize your current habits, systems, & routines for nervous system health
  • Identify and reduce stressors
  • Reset your sleep-wake cycle for deep rest and recovery
  • Create a plan to incorporate daily movement, stillness, and play
  • Get your nutrition and supplements on point to support your hormones

Step Three


  • Understand your current coping mechanisms for stress
  • Discover your  patterned go-to responses when you start to feel overwhelmed
  • Learn how your current coping mechanisms have been both a strength and a weakness
  • Implement new parameters so your coping strategies for stress take you from surviving to thriving

Step Four


  • Create a framework of protection and reinforcement around how you want to feel
  • Use healthy boundaries to stay in alignment with your core values
  • Understand how joy is a byproduct of having strong boundaries
  • Learn my B.E.A.T. framework for enforcing your boundaries

  • Understand how suppressed emotions cause burnout and nervous system dysregulation
  • Learn how to release your emotions, rather than recycle them
  • Tools and exercises to support emotional hygiene around big emotions like anger, rage, frustration, resentment, etc.

Step Five

Step Six


  • Learn how your mindset and nervous system work in tandem
  • Discover your current paradigms and how you see the world
  • Reframe your sense of urgency, perfectionism, people-pleasing, and overcommitting that have contributed to your burnout

(valued at $3,000)


Weekly Mini-Classes

What's Included:

These classes are 10 minutes (or less) so you have time to take action! You’ll get 20+ mini-classes over the course of 6 modules in video + audio versions.

(valued at $3,000)

Weekly LIVE Coaching Calls

Times will be announced at the start of the cohort. All 7 calls will be recorded and saved in your course library.

(valued at $500)

Targeted Homework, Worksheets
& Exercises

Each week you’ll receive targeted handouts to help you implement what you’re learning.

(valued at $1,000)

Access to Slack for Support

Connect with community and ask questions anytime. You’ll also have direct access to me in Slack!

Small Cohort

Small groups to ensure you get individual coaching and guidance.

(valued at $1,000)

Personalized Coaching in a Group Setting

I’ll personally coach you through somatic exercises and be there to answer your questions.

Pay Over Time

easy-pay payment plan

One Payment 

pay-in-full plan

choose your investment path:

JOIN the next cohort now for ONLY $347/month

Weekly LIVE Coaching Calls (VALUED AT $3,000)


3 monthly payments


save $44 when you pay in full


pay in full

nervous system nerd, ENNEAGRAM 3, book hoarder, MATCHA LATTE LOVER, growth seeker, accountability partner, and pursuer of joy.

You know the saying "you can't pour from an empty cup"? Years ago, I was running a busy law firm, raising toddlers, living that hustle-like-a-mother life, and trying to pour from a cup that was bone dry. Sound familiar?

I was the Queen of Busy - and looking back, I see that I ignored so many signs my body was sending me to slow down. I had no idea how burned out I was, so I kept doing what I did best - ignoring all the symptoms and pushing through. But that's not how the nervous system heals.

I started having gut issues and trouble sleeping. I'd wake up feeling anxious and tired all at the same time. My patience was long gone and I wasn't proud of the irritable, edgy person I saw myself becoming. I noticed that even simple things felt overwhelming - I kept forgetting things & often felt like I was living in a fog.

I finally had enough. I was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. I saw my doctor, ran lab tests, hired a functional medicine practitioner, tried all the medication & supplements, hired a life coach - I did it all!

And what I noticed was that at the root of all of these solutions was an attempt to regulate my nervous system. I realized that if I wanted to heal at the deepest level, I had to address my burnout at the deepest level - my nervous system.

I dove deep into the nervous system, learning everything I could, and became certified as a nervous system fitness expert and master life coach. I learned how to heal my burnout, recover from all my symptoms, and restore my energy.

If I did it, so can you! I've since taught hundreds of women my step-by-step framework to recover from burnout, and I want to teach it to you too.



RESTORE is the only one of its kind because...

It's the only comprehensive burnout recovery program specifically for high-achieving women who are also raising kids

This course is built specifically with YOU in mind, because no one has more on their plates these days than high-achieving women who are also raising kids.  It's just true. We don't have time for 2-hour morning routines or complicated practices.  

As a member of RESTORE, I'll teach you my proven 6-step recovery framework tailored to the level of burnout you’re experiencing. 

You'll learn how to unlock the stress cycle, optimize your recovery, and master your mindset in a simple, effective, and sustainable way.

We focus on both top-down (brain) & bottom-up (body) approaches to healing 

You're not going to find any “band-aid” fixes here. Everything I teach is scientifically proven to shift your experience and rewire your brain. That’s the power of working with your nervous system.

So, if you’ve tried all the things and they haven't worked, you're in the right place.  RESTORE bridges research-backed techniques in Somatic Experiencing with Polyvagal Theory,  Internal Family Systems, and more. 

This is the program to bring you lasting, effective, & compassionate approaches to healing burnout.

a personalized NEUROFIT app to walk you through your burnout recovery journey

live group support with michelle and private community for members

 A proven science-backed roadmap grounded in cutting-edge research

Here's why RESTORE is
unlike anything else you've tried...

Did you know that 80% of your nerves are afferent?  This means that they carry information up from your body to your brain. Only 20% of information travels down from your brain to your body.

That’s why the RESTORE 6-step framework is so effective! Yes, mindset work is important. But when we change the message our body is sending up to our brain, that's where we unlock the stress cycle and heal burnout.



This      for you if:

You're ready to break free from burnout and experience the peace of a regulated nervous system

You're not willing to grow and change

You're done with band-aid fixes and want to heal your burnout at the root

You'd rather stay stuck in burnout and continue tolerating your symptoms

You want to feel healthy and energized in your mind and body so you can show up best for yourself and your family

It's probably        for you if...

Medication, excessive caffeine, & other band-aids for burnout symptoms have been working well for you



Still have questions?

Check out the FAQs

life-changing healing and growth that will affect the course of your life and the legacy of your family

simple exercises to regulate your nervous system, heal burnout, and feel energized & alive

If you want this to be the time that you *finally* commit to...

Join the waitlist for the next round of Restore

finding freedom from anxiety, overwhelm, and burnout so you can shift into peace, joy, & wellbeing

unlocking the stress cycle so you can feel grounded and connected to the present moment
