Common symptoms of a dysregulated nervous system:

ready for your life to change?

Feeling burned out & fatigued, yet also struggling to rest

Trouble concentrating and feeling like you're living in a state of brain fog

Always staying busy and having a hard time slowing down

Racing thoughts, persistent worries, & feeling anxious, overwhelmed, & stressed

Insomnia, trouble falling asleep, trouble staying asleep, or sleeping too much

People-pleasing, difficulty setting boundaries, or expressing needs

Emotional volatility, anger, irritability, and persistently feeling on edge

Gut issues, IBS, PMS, unresolved aches & pains, & autoimmune conditions

Low confidence & self-worth that holds you back and keeps you playing small

Difficulty expressing anger in a healthy way - either expressed in outbursts or suppressed

I'm ready to heal

"I feel happier and calmer. I feel more at peace with myself. I also have more compassion for others and for my children. I have so much more self-awareness."

"You can't put a price on finally feeling good in your own skin."

"Michelle was helpful with improving my quality of life and enjoyment of life as well as improving my self-awareness. I was able to explain the things I struggle with and she was able to help me dive deeper into the problem and get to the root of it. I now have a much better understanding of myself and why I act, think and feel the way I do."

"This course gave me the courage to finally quit my job, and start my biz"

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life-changing healing and growth that will affect the course of your life and the legacy of your family

simple exercises to regulate your nervous system, create work-life balance, and feel energized & alive

If you want this to be the time that you *finally* commit to...

join the academy

finding freedom from anxiety, stress, overwhelm, and burnout so you can shift into peace, joy, & wellbeing

healing old wounds so the past can stay in the past and you can feel connected to the present moment
